Dixon/Solano RCD
Water Quality Coalition
Ad Hoc Advisory Committee
The Ad Hoc Advisory Committee is tasked with providing input to the Dixon and Solano RCD Boards of Directors. The Committee is made up of at least 9 Coalition members including at least 2 members of each board and at least 5 enrolled landowners/farmers to represent the Dixon/Solano RCD Water Quality Coalition. The roles of the advisory members include a review of the program, budget, membership fees, and other issues as needed. The Advisory Committee meets as needed, at least annually.
Current Ad Hoc Advisory Committee Members:
Kurt Balasek - SRCD Board
Spencer Bei - DRCD Board
Bruce Brazelton - Landowner/Farmer
Paul Lum - SRCD Board
Cork McIsaac - Landowner/Farmer
Eric Schene - DRCD Board
David Viguie - DRCD Board
Herb Wimmer - Landowner/Farmer
Sam Beukelman - Landowner/Farmer
2x2 Committee
The 2x2 RCD Committee includes two board members from Dixon RCD and two board members from Solano RCD. The 2x2 Committee is tasked with providing recommendations to the Dixon and Solano RCD Boards of Directors that consider input from the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee. The 2x2 Committee meets as needed, at least annually.
Current 2x2 Committee Members:
Kurt Balasek - SRCD
Paul Lum - SRCD
Eric Schene - DRCD
David Viguie - DRCD