Dixon/Solano RCD
Water Quality Coalition
Member Farm Reports from 2014-2022
What farm reports should I have on file?
Click here to see the PowerPoint of reports for each year
To return to the Irrigated Lands home page for the online data management tool (DMT), click here.
All MEMBERS must complete
FARM REPORTING for crop year 2024.
DUE DATE: February 15, 2025
Note: Parcels that are fallow, crops with no yield or that are non-bearing must also complete the farm reporting.
Important letter about nurseries from Patrick Pulupa, Executive Officer Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, click here
Verify My INFO – Verify that your contact information is accurate and update as needed.
Verify ACCOUNT – Reporter name, account completion & account balance.
Verify ACCOUNT CONTACT – Billing contact can be changed here.
Verify PARCELS – Is the parcel active or not? Please leave detailed notes when changing a parcel’s status. Verify your parcel’s vulnerability to nitrogen. If your parcel’s status is in a high-vulnerability area (HVA), your INMP worksheet must be certified. See INMP Worksheet.
Verify CROPPING, irrigated (or planted) acres & planting year for permanent crops (required for orchards and vineyards)
Review and update all columns as some options have changed.
“Groundwater Irrigation Percentage” – has additional choices.
“Surface Water Use” and “Other” columns if needed.
Do not leave the response as “None”
Information on sources of irrigation water is being collected for the Solano Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agency. It will give us a better understanding of groundwater usage vs. surface water and may help landowners by not having duplicate reporting in the future.
Do not enter zero acres. All crops must have farmable acreage, or you can enter Fallow, one of the three options.
Fallow-No Water (Due to drought or allocation)
Fallow-No Operator (Not farming the land unable to find tenant or tenant left with short notice, etc.)
Fallow-In Transition (Orchard replacement, vineyard replacement, rotation of crops such as winter wheat, triticale, and other hays and grasses.
If the land is irrigated anytime within 5 years, the parcel must remain enrolled with the farmable acreage. Enter Fallow-In transition only if not irrigated. The system will keep the irrigated acreage for proper billing and the INMP Summary Report will not be required.
Note: You will need to change any parcel/field currently reported as “Fallow” to one of the new Fallow options shown above. This keeps us consistent with the other subwatersheds in the Coalition and is written in the Order that all parcels will pay the fee if irrigated or cultivated within the past five years.
Complete INMP SR – Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan Summary Report – Management units, reporting & certification [Need pounds of nitrogen applied per/acre including your credits (from soil and water) and crop yield per/acre]
“No N” (nitrogen) button = No N was applied to the management unit so the DMT will enter “0” to all the nitrogen input fields.
“N in Liquid/Dry Fertilizer” and “N in Irrigation Water” are required fields. For nitrogen in the water, there are various methods to calculate.
For all other N input fields = Any field left as “Value,” the DMT will assume these fields are “0” N inputs.
Commonly missed item reminder:
Enter yield basis for tree crops (in-shell, hull, gross etc.)
If you enter “no yield” for your crop, please leave a reason in the notes.
If your yield is an outlier (very low or extremely high), please leave a reason in the notes.
“Click Here to Input Answers from Last Year’s INMP” for Irrigation Method, Irrigation Efficiency and Nitrogen Efficiency questions. If the crop type is different for the same management unit from last year to this year, validation is triggered.
“Prior Year Results” INMP inputs are listed at the bottom of the page as a reference, if you farmed the same parcel the prior year.
OUTREACH/TRAINING – Enter the education event “attended.” From in-person workshops to virtual webinars, if the event focuses on water quality, it counts. Watch the SVWQC video provided or visit our website: https://www.dixonrcd.org/workshops-events
MPIR – Groundwater Management Practice Implementation Report – Irrigation Wells, Irrigation Uniformity and Crop Fertility. Most of the questions will be familiar as they are the same information from the Farm Evaluation questions (wells and crop fertility plan) If your crop is Pasture-No Nitrogen applied, you do not have to complete this report. It will not show in the DMT for Pasture-No Nitrogen parcels/fields.
Verify SECP – Sediment & Erosion Control Plan – If you acknowledged this last year, nothing needs to be done. The DMT has marked this page as COMPLETE. If not, you must read and acknowledge that you understand the requirements.
SECP self-certification online training will be available February 1-28, 2025! If you need this training, do not miss it. To find out if you need to have an SECP for your parcel, visit the PARCELS page in the DMT. The SECP is one and done. Once the plan is written, it does not have be completed again unless the operation changes. For the online SECP training visit: irrigated-lands-regulatory-program.thinkific.com/courses/online-secp-self-certification-training
MAPS AND REPORTS* – This section allows you to print farm maps and review your grower feedback reports. *Note: Grower Nitrogen Feedback Reports for the 2023 Crop Year will be available to download at the end of January 2025. If you are required to complete an INMP (which is everyone except for Pasture- No Nitrogen), you must acknowledge that you are aware of your outlier status on the INMP certification page.
INMP – Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Plan WORKSHEET – Pre-planning tool for 2025 crop year, it is kept on-farm, and the worksheet must be completed annually. (Required for all parcels-exception is Pasture-No Nitrogen) The online version of the worksheet is available to download in the DMT or visit our webpage at: dixonrcd.org/forms-checklists
If your parcel is in a HVA (high vulnerability area) for nitrogen risk to groundwater, your INMP worksheet must be certified by becoming self-certified or by hiring a CCA-certified crop advisor.
To become INMP self-certified online, visit: https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/is/ffldrs/frep/training.html
For questions about INMP self-certification, contact CDFA. Nicole.Nunes@cdfa.ca.gov OR Maria.Tenorio@cdfa.ca.gov
To complete your farm reporting, visit: https://www.dixonrcd.org/irrigated-lands
Click on the green button to access the DMT login portal.
Use the same DMT credentials (login) from the prior year
If you need your DMT login, contact us ASAP.
Forgotten Password: From the DMT login portal, click on “forgot password?”
Now accepting in-person farm reporting office appointments and drop-ins until February 6. Be sure to schedule your appointment early. It is always a good idea to call before you drop in. Office appointment hours are Monday through Thursday, 9 am – 4 pm. For appointments, call Martha at (707) 678-1655, ext.103. Friday farm reporting assistance is by appointment only.
Click here for the new office entrance map.
REMINDER: The farm reporting deadline is February 15, 2025. Late fees apply if received after the deadline and are 20% of the membership dues or $100 whichever is more.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you,
Martha McKeen
Program Coordinator
(707) 678-1655 ext. 103